picframes.jpg (35352 bytes)


Rehearsal and Hall Decorating

Click on pictures
setup2.jpg (64109 bytes) setup1.jpg (50340 bytes)
Bridal table What do you think?
home/cookies1.jpg (36781 bytes) bar.jpg (39457 bytes)
Just part of the cookies
ready for the caterer
Drinks being readied
for serving
rehersal1.jpg (54421 bytes) rehersal2.jpg (46424 bytes)
Minister giving instructions Tell me where to stand again.
home/rehersal4.jpg (33757 bytes) home/rehersaldinner.jpg (45319 bytes)
Last chance to change mind
Rehearsal dinner b-b-q

home/animjustmarried.gif (12785 bytes)

The Wedding
parents.jpg (50358 bytes) home/ericray.jpg (40759 bytes)
Groom arrives Time is getting close
home/limo.jpg (53165 bytes) home/church1.jpg (32684 bytes)
Bridesmaids arrive Waiting for the Bride
home/church3.jpg (22541 bytes) home/erictara.jpg (37131 bytes)
Bride arrives at alter
with brother and mom
The vows
home/rosegive.jpg (33088 bytes) home/chruch2.jpg (23667 bytes)
Presentation of rose Man & Wife
home/ftruck2.jpg (66759 bytes) home/ftruck1.jpg (51529 bytes)
Man & Wife Wisked To Reception

home/animrosering.gif (4739 bytes)The Reception

cookies.jpg (72197 bytes) cakewed.jpg (53993 bytes)
Yummy - cookies, punch, fruit Wedding Cake
food1.jpg (42312 bytes) home/recpkiss.jpg (64091 bytes)
The Food The kiss
dance1.jpg (33681 bytes)

dance2.jpg (28163 bytes)

Getting ready for first dance
as Mr. & Mrs.
Bridal party and parents
ready for first dance
family.jpg (31508 bytes) tarasand.jpg (43486 bytes)
Our family Bride and mother-in-law

heartbar71.gif (1302 bytes)

weddingbears.gif (11656 bytes)

Eric & Tara

United in Marriage

September 9, 2000


heartbar71.gif (1302 bytes)