June  2001

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Number 15

Here is some items of interest of I have accumulated over the month. The information comes from various newspapers (English and Amish), magazines, the internet, etc. I have used their wording as much as possible.

RIDDLE - 15,700,003 of these were manufactured, all in black. What were they? (answer found below)

  • OH - mushrooms sold for $56 a pound at auction.
  • OH - at the benefit auction - 700 were served for breakfast.  2,000 halves of BBQ chicken was sold at noon and 17 canners of noodles were cooked.
  • Prices of items sold at the Southern Indiana Carriage Auction.  Over 300 vehicles were sold at this auction.

    John Deere Wagon  $1,800
    Hearse  $8,000
    Hearse lamps $1,500 each
    Restored Victoria $10,000
    Set of 4 steel wheels  $90
    Stagecoach  $13,250
    2 seat sleigh  $1,600
    Use Amish Buggy  $850
    New Amish Buggy (Scorpion Finish) $3,700

  • IN - Amish Land & Lakes Bike Tour - bike tours of 25, 50 & 100 miles.   Registration deadline is August 1.  219-674-0088


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  • Fly Trap - Mix 2 cups water, 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup vinegar.  Pour into a fruit jar.  Punch hole sin the lid large enough that flies can get inside.  Set outside away from the doors.  This will draw the flies.
  • WI - 44 dozen eggs were turned into noodles.
Recipes for the month - Click Here - Brownies, Chow-Chow, Meatloaf, Onion Patties
  • TIP - if you run out of ketchup - use 1 cup tomato sauce, 1/2 cup sugar, and 2 tablsp of vinegar.  Mix well.
Grape Cooler - 1 cup chilled white grape juice, 2 teasp sugar, 1 large scope vanilla ice cream. Beat until ice cream is half melted. Makes 1 serving.
  • TIP - need a bow for package - use the plastic bags from the store.  Cut off all the writing from the bag.  Cut edges to lay flat and trim into a rectangular shape.  Cut across the bag the short way and make wide pieces.  Tie the pieces together twice making a knot.  Tie into a bow.  Spread out both sides of the bow like a fan.

  • PA - a young man had to buy a new hat on his way home from work.  The hat accidentally went through the chipper that day.
  • Reprint books now available on produce growing,  sleighs, carriages, carriage painting, carriage making, etcClick here.
  • KY - is having a problem with worms.  They are hatching and crawling on everything.
  • School is finished in almost every community.  Many communities have started working on new schools for the fall.
  • Amish teenage drinking has become such a problem in Geauga County Ohio that the Amish church has turned to the police for help.  Source:  Toledo Blade.
  • IN - after visiting awhile the friend decided to go home.  The husband of the house hooked up her buggy.  Unbeknownst to both of them, he harnessed someone else's horse.  After a short time the horse took off and ended up back where she started.   No damage, just a shook up driver.
  • There are Amish settlements in 24 states and in Canada.  In 1996, the Amish population was estimated to be around 172,000.  Source:  Toledo Blade.
  • PA - New concept - aluminum wheels.  Benefits: maximum strength -- light weight -- powder coated -- minimum maintenance -- popular colors & sizes


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  • It takes at least 60 to 80 acres for an Amish family to make a living farming.   Source:  Toledo Blade.
  • WI - maple sap did not run well this year but quality was good.
  • TIP - Set up irrigation for produce.
  • WI - is having a problem with ticks.
  • Canada - weaner pigs are a scarce item.  56 pound pigs sold for $72 per hear.   Top calves are being sold at $1.80 a pound.
  • TIP - Does your horse tend to bloat when doing up the cinch or girth?  Try giving a treat or stick your finger into his mouth just before that last pull.
  • Most communities are sowing corn, oats, and hay.
  • Milk prices seems to be going up in most areas.
  • Penn State University reports the alfalfa weevil will be out later this year.
  • Did you know...??  A bee can travel 4 million miles at 7 mph on the energy it would obtain from 1 gallon of nectar.

Apr prices - selling and purchasing for the farmer (PA prices unless noted)
Cheese blocks   $1.54 Fat Steers    $.80
Ear Corn    $73 Hogs     $.42
Straw    $81 Rabbits    $1.98
Alfalfa Hay   $118  Guinea Pigs   $.25 to $5
Butter   $1.92 Beef Cows    $.38
Large Eggs  $1.07 White Pigeons   $3.25
Medium Eggs  $.93
Milk prices by area
  • MO - $11.70
  • MI - 11.35
  • OH - $11.50
  • WI - $10.50
LINKS   - URL's I found interesting.  URL's may or may not contain just Amish info.


Days Gone By
  • The cost of a buggy in 1910 was $40.40.
  • Minimum wage was established by Congress in 1938 and was set at $.25.
  • There were 152 buggy manufacturers & accessory companies in the City of Cincinnati OH from 1850 to 1935. Some companies were:
Atlas Carriage Co. Stearns & Foster. Co.
Cooper Tire Co. Economy Vehicle Co.
Brighton Buggy Co. Monarch Carriage Good Co.

  • 3 out of 4 or 75% U.S. households own a B-B-Q grill.
    57% of the grills are used all year round.
    Hamburgers, steak, hot dogs, chicken & potatoes are the most frequently grilled.
  • There are more places to by candy in the U.S. than there are places to buy bread.
  • Recent survey: 30% of women slow to a stop at a yellow light. Only 9% of men do.
  • Children between 4 & 12 spend $2 billion on junk food, $1.9 billion on toys and games, and $486 million on arcade video games. Source: Texas A&M study.
  • Hawaii has the highest percentage of cremations of all other.
  • Horse and rider statues - if the horse has one leg in the air, the rider died from wounds received in battle. If the horse has both legs in the air, the rider died in battle. If all four legs are on the ground, the rider died from natural.

  • If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence the water bill may be higher.
  • 3 nails  +  1 cross  =  4 given
  • Learn to say kind things, nobody every resents them.
  • Into each life some rain must fall – but do not magnify each shower into a cloud burst.
  • You can’t get much done by starting tomorrow.
  • You are either leaving your mark on the world, or the world is leaving its mark on you.

Riddle Answer:  Model T Fords - 15,700,003 of these were manufactured, all in black

Amish Vehicle

While driving in Pennsylvania, a family caught up to an Amish carriage.
The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of humor, because
attached to the back of the carriage was a hand printed sign...
"Energy efficient vehicle. 
Runs on oats and grass.
Caution:  Do not step on exhaust."

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Take Care - See You Next Month  

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