Buggy Accidents

May 1999 thru April 2000

The following graphs are one year's total of accidents.


My Research

I have not done a thorough research on buggy accidents, only a very general type research.  I have gathered information on buggy accidents from the newspapers, television and radio reports, so please don't take this figures as substantiated facts.  They are for information purposes only.



aprmonth.gif (15413 bytes)

Total buggy accidents by month (U.S. and Canada)

aprarea.gif (16276 bytes)

This graph is a total count by area  of  all accidents types (U.S. states and Canada) .

aprdemolished.gif (12075 bytes)

People injured are mostly Amish.

Killed Non-Amish - was a   motorcyclist

Killed Amish - buggy was hit by a high speed car

aprcause.gif (19564 bytes) Chart shows a total (U.S. states and Canada) of all causes of accidents.

See category explanations below

Listed categories were, in my opinion, the cause of the accident.  Following is a clarification of some of the categories.

Truck is semi, cement, etc.

Equipment category is farming equipment or road working equipment.

Buggy means one buggy hit another buggy or a buggy hit a car.

Human Error/Other means not being able to keep horse under control.   For example:  horse turned into wrong road. turned to quickly, etc.

Noise/roadway examples:
   uneven or wet roadway
   barking dog or animal sound
   open grate bridges
   truck or motorcycle noises






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